Food Enterprise Park - Case Study
Food Enterprise Park (FEP) partnered with East Solutions to facilitate the power required for their 46-acre development site in Greater Norwich. This site offers real estate and facilities for food and drink businesses. The primary goal of this project is to support the colocation of food-related businesses, allowing them to source local supplies and add value before distributing to retail outlets.
In addition to the first phase of their development, FEP has plans to expand the site by adding more commercial units, housing options, and 100 acres of solar photovoltaics. This expansion aims to provide clean, renewable energy to the entire site.
Project Facts
Prior to the commencement of construction, EAST’s in-house Technical Department undertook a meticulous design and planning process. This involved a comprehensive evaluation of supply options, connection voltages and optimal adoption boundaries, which enabled us to create a bespoke plan tailored to our client’s requirements.
To ensure compliance with DNO and IDNO specifications and provide the best results seamlessly, a high-level design process was initiated. Our team carried out fault level assessments, geo-technical surveys, soil resistivity testing and much more, which resulted in a comprehensive construction pack with detailed drawings for both contestable and private systems.
Furthermore, EAST’s technical team conducted all necessary power system studies in accordance with ENA G99 requirements, which helped our client to connect smoothly to the network. Our team performed P28, G5/5 Stage 3 and G99 simulation studies, ensuring that the project was delivered to the highest standards. In total, the EAST Technical Department produced over 200 impressive drawings!
The project was divided into multiple phases to effectively manage the contestable and private systems across the IDNO and DNO network. The team began by excavating works at the proposed 132kV site, which included steelworks for the concrete substation and transformer bases that required reinforcing steel bars, steel frames, and an anchoring system. To prioritise energy efficiency and the environment, a
concrete bund was installed in preparation for the ONAF transformer installation.
The substation arrangement was divided into three sections: DNO (UK Power Networks), IDNO, and the customer’s network. The DNO 132kV gantry and compound involved the supply and installation of two sets of 132kV disconnectors and earth switches, a 132kV main circuit breaker, and surge arrestors. The necessary steelwork for these items was installed within the compound by EAST. Additionally, a DNO control room GRP was set up to house the associated protection systems, including 110v and 48v battery chargers, SCADA tec panel, and associated relays.
The IDNO compound, being adopted by Vattenfall (a company EAST has successfully worked with on multiple projects), housed the 132/11kV grid transformer and the main 11kV HV switchboard. The equipment was manufactured in Malaysia and installed by a UK-approved installer as part of the initial installation works.
All new installations were commissioned to both UKPN and Vattenfall standards, and the final connection to the 132kV DNO network was made through a tower. This required a two-week shutdown by UKPN to complete the necessary facilitating works for the customer’s new supply connection. The customers’ 11kV network was then connected to the purpose-built 132kV network, and subsequent tenants were switched over in phases to minimise downtime and disruption to the businesses operating on the Food Enterprise Park.
This project marked EAST’s first venture on a 132 kV network, serving as a significant learning experience towards obtaining our NERS accreditation as a registered independent connection provider encompassing up to 132 kV.
During the project, EAST encountered several procurement challenges. These challenges were a result of the global pandemic, supply chain issues, and the injunctions placed on certain materials, particularly the 132KV term kits, originating from Russia.
The Results
After a successful energisation, the Food Enterprise Park, home to the world’s largest vertical farm, will provide occupiers with the opportunity to collaborate with and benefit from world-class food and bioscience research and development. It aims to foster increased collaboration between food and farming businesses while establishing strong connections with research and education institutions to promote the growth of the domestic food and farming sector.